Legerdemain has a wide range of businesses and tourist attractions. This page will be updated as new businesses become part of the tale!

Getting here:There are two entrances to the city. The most popular is the south gate, or Meridonal Tor. Please have your identity cards ready. The checkpoints are efficient. Several of the main roads end a short distance from the Meridonal Tor at the Legerdemain Terminus, the train hub for the area. Trains run between the Legerdemain Terminus and Cosmopolitan Harbor and Legerdemain Terminus and the Pearly Bliss Resort numerous times per day. There is also express and local train service to and from other towns in the Kystnaere province, and direct trains into the kingdom’s capital city, Force Tendresse (although it is advisable to book a sleeping compartment). Train travel is one of the most popular forms of transportaion in the Cosenquo Kingdom. Bus and taxi services into Legerdemain itself are readily available at the Terminus, and affordable. Just inside the Meridonal Tor, you can catch a cable car that will take you past the greenhouses and Botanical Garden, along the street parallel to Temple Boulevard, to the south side of Market Square.
The small Brutus Barclay Airfield is beside the Legerdemain Terminus, with berths for dirigibles and small passenger and cargo crafts. The larger airfield and spaceport is located in Cosmopolitan Harbor. Please do not attempt to land your dirigible in Market Square, unless it is an emergency. Fines are steep, and your dirigible may be impounded.
The western gate , or Sinistral Tor is also quite popular. Again, the checkpoint runs efficiently. Please have your identity cards ready. There is regular bus service between the city of Kaemus, known for its many meditation, reflection, and healing retreat centers, and ithe Sinistral Tor. Once through the Tor, it is only a short walk to the famous Musée Pulchran, the largest museum outside of the kingdom’s capitol city. Buses and taxis further into the city are available in front of the musuem.
Make sure you stop in to our Visitor Centre at the bottom of the Tower Rescue Tourist Attraction on Tourist Walk at Market Square. At the Visitor Centre, you can find maps, directions, brochures and information on all the sights. You can book tours, get discount coupons for restaurants and stores, and even exchange money, if you are not from Cosenquo. You can also rent or purchase a CommD device, if your technology is not compatible with ours. CommDs come in versatile styles of jewelry, hair adornments, and belt buckles. The CommD also has a translator function. Turn it on, and you will be able to communicate with anyone from any kingdom in Melli, and over 1200 off-world languages (we add new languages regularly, and all CommDs automatically update). If you rent, remember that the CommD aligns with its user, and there will be withdrawal symptoms of headache, hollowness, and possibly dizziness upon its return.

Currency: Legerdemain uses the Cosenquo currency, and prefers it to the interstellar OneCard or paper currency. There are kiosks to change money at all transportation hubs, at the Tors, local banks, and the Vistor Centre on Market Square. Coin values are as follows:
10 zenos (zinc coins) = 1 copper
10 coppers (copper coins) = 1 brass
10 brasses (brass coins with the face of King Cordahan) = 1 bronze
10 bronzes (bronze coins with the image of Queen Cassandra on a horse) = 1 silver
10 silvers (silver coins) = 1 gold
10 golds (gold coins) — 1 diamond disc
The Diamond Disc are the highest currency in the land
Most exchanges are done in coppers, brasses, bronzes, and silvers.

News and Events:To keep up with all that’s going on, Legerdemain has a variety of publications, available in print and on your CommD:
The Legerdemain Morning Ledger broadhseet publishes every morning.
The Midday Marrow tabloid comes out around the middle of each day.
The Nightly Nutshell broadsheet publishes daily in the early evening.
The Scuttlebutt tabloid comes three times per rhythm. The tone is lighter, brasher, and less serious than the other three dailies.
The Nuance magazine covers arts, culture, debate, travel, and lifestyle, and comes three times per rhythm.
The Questrion is a daily sheet provided by the International Association of Questors and Crusaders, with news about new quests, updates on quests, and celebrations of Questors who complete their quests and move to the next level. These are availabe at the Visitor Centre and the Adventure-Sum Inn.
Legerdemain Loquacious is a news radio show playing all day and night (call letters LLQ92).
Mirage and Nightmares runs professional radio dramas day and night. Some are pre-recorded, some are live. (Call letters LLC93).
There are numerous radio stations playing all kinds of music, with news snippets, and interviews. Check any newspaper for local listings. Legerdemain also picks up channels from Cosmopoitan Harbor.
Leger Revelry is the local video channel available on CommD or WatchBox. Legerdemain has access to many of the kingdom-wide channels, available on both CommD and WatchBox. Check newspaper listings.

Public Transportation: Legerdemain has a strong public transisit system, including cable cars within the city, which are helpful, especially getting up the steeper portion of the cliff to The Citadel. There is an elevator on the southern end of Market Square, should you wish to visit the levels of Cellarton. You have the choice of cable car, the brightly painted blue and yellow double-decker busses, bicycles, and unicycles, and the popular red taxis. Individual motorized transport is discouraged in the city itself, and there are large sections of the city that are pedestrian-only except for offical transport and truck deliveries early and late in the day. Horses and other livestock are allowed, but fines are charged for waste deposits left in the streets. Most of the city is easily walkable, except for the incline up through the University District to the Citadel. If you are unable to walk, please talk to an Accessibility Liaision at any Tor, and they will arrange suitable mobility for your visit, included in your accommodation fee. They will assist with any accessbility issues, not just mobility. The use of V4 speedcraft and zweven craft is limited to The Order of Order and local government officials.
Market Square is the center of the business district. There are vendors and stalls every day, and often well into the night. Legerdemain doesn’t just excel in the area of coffeehouses, Secret Societies and bookshops! It has a vibrant Arts District, a University District (with the highly regarded Expansive Univeristy). Atraxia is a quiet, residential district, known for its gardens.
The Fathomless Library is headquartered here, and for obvious reasons, The Fathomless Library complex has its own page.
The Citadel is not open to tourists, although there are a variety of bars, restaurants, and small shops along the approach. The gates for Penitents and Seekers are clearly marked. Please have your paperwork ready before you reach the gate. Important announcements by the Oracle are broadcast from the Chamber, and you can watch them on your CommD devices.